"The Crucible Overture" for orchestra.

This overture is part of an entire soundtrack composed for the 2005 production of Arthur Miller's "The Crucible" at the Bergen County Academies. The musical material found in this overture formed the basis for rest of the soundtrack of this play. Composing was done jointly by me, Chris Hanson, and Brian Barone. This overture begins with a sampled passage by the Armenian Duduk, an incredibly expressive ethnic instrument. This is followed by the peaceful guitar section, which represents the apparently-calm and sleepy Salem, MA. This is followed by what the director of the play referred to as the "lawyer walk music", which represents the ensuing persecution of the witch trials.

This work was composed and recorded simultaneously. Sections and parts were added, changed, or removed as we recorded the music.

No score is available for this work.

performers on recording

Guitar - Chris Hanson

Orchestra - Kurzweil K2500X